Listen Up, Look for Patterns, Stop Whining Free Weekly Horoscopes for March 18 – 24, 2013

At any moment in time you can shift your thoughts, open new vistas and feel life flowing through you. All you must do is catch those thoughts moving toward an undesired direction, replace them with better feeling thoughts and do this consistently.

The other aspect of shifting requires you to refrain from taking an accounting of your success. Instead, you accept every moment as perfect, no matter what it looks like.

Try this process for a month and see where you land. Replace negative thinking, anger and demands with beautiful instrumental music or thoughts or images of beauty. Know what your overall goals are and refrain from checking your bank account, others opinions or the stock market to see how well you are succeeding.

Wynn Free offers free to attend spirit calls three times each week---you can call in or listen online. He takes everyone on a journey to connect with the higher realms of light that we are a part of and opens the air waves for a direct message from Source.

If none of those grab your interest, there is one way to move in this new direction that you can practice on your own---Open Your Heart, forgive and practice doing so constantly.

Aries (Mars) – There are lots of people telling you what they think you should do. In fact, many of them push your personal panic buttons. It is time to take back your belief systems and become a new person---one who follows their heart and trusts the Universe. Examine what it is you truly believe and begin changing those thoughts to align with the divine. Ace of Cups reversed

Taurus (Venus) – You are not alone, ever. An emotional female energy triggers your life into its next phase. You keep thinking it's money you should be concerned with, but you have no money problems really. The problem is negotiating skills and putting parameters on what it is you desire. Get general when describing your goals. Knight of Coins reversed

Gemini (Mercury) – Now that Mercury Retrograde has gone direct, the energy of your thoughts will begin to slowly move forward and take form. Stay focused---not easy for a Gemini. Retrograde motion actually forms a barrier for Geminis and allows them to re-till the soil of their deepest desires. Transformation rocks! Death

Cancer (Moon) – A very well-lighted path is emerging for you regarding your purpose. The problem is you don't look up long enough to see the bigger picture. Instead, you put your nose down and push against what you demand of life. This does not allow anything you truly want to come to fruition. Look up and let go, NOW. The World

Want to know what's going on?Try this The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships , this is a good one too, Power, Freedom, and Grace: Living from the Source of Lasting Happiness OR this one A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose.

Leo (Sun) – The blinders drop and you suddenly have insight into your money issues. These insights utterly change the course of your direction exactly as you wish them to. Tied to this new direction is also a shift in your belief about male energy and emotions. Inner hearing is highlighted this week---Listen The Chariot reversed

Virgo (Mercury) – You have the Universe supporting you, so you need not rely on your mind to “get it right”. Guidance is available if you will just “hear it” when it is offered in the form of a book, a movie, a passing comment that directs you to re-focus your thoughts. Look for the light in all matters. 9 of Coins reversed

Libra (Venus) – You have made it past the most difficult angle of your journey but you probably would like to hang onto the difficulties a bit longer. That is not necessary. However, you will need to stand still a bit longer to allow your manifestations to catch up to you. Yes, you really are moving that fast! Justice reversed

Scorpio (Pluto) – A little advice about the new adventure you are stepping into: focus on the flow and don't worry about the money at this point. Also, don't spend what you don't have. You will need to use what you have just learned about allowing life to flow in order to make this work for you and everyone else. The Fool

Want to know what's going on?Try this The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships , this is a good one too, Power, Freedom, and Grace: Living from the Source of Lasting Happiness OR this one A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose.

Sagittarius (Jupiter) – Gratitude should be the point from which you operate---always. Acceptance of the moment is crucial to reversing what you perceive as “wrong”. Put aside the emotional response you are accustomed to projecting and see that justice is in operation at all times, whether we understand justice or not. 3 of Coins reversed

Capricorn (Saturn) – You should be feeling as if you just got shot out of a cannon. Survey where you are headed and plan a landing so you can put roots down. Remember, no energy or idea is ever lost or destroyed, it just transfers into something else. 6 of Cups

Aquarius (Uranus) – Incoming information is headed to you about your personal rebirth and letting go of past perceptions about money and value. Someone very close to you has reached a personal point of awakening and is branching out on their own. Accept it and keep them in your life or reject their needs and lose them. Judgment

Pisces (Neptune) – When negotiating with loved ones, don't lose sight of what you aim to accomplish—they may try to persuade you not to do what you know you need and desire. This path of self-worth and accomplishment you are headed down will bring much desired ease and prosperity, if you stay true to yourself. Ace of Coins

Want to know what's going on?Try this The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships , this is a good one too, Power, Freedom, and Grace: Living from the Source of Lasting Happiness OR this one A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose.

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