Mercury Retrograde, Oh My! Free Weekly Horoscopes February 25 – March 3, 2013

Mercury is retrograde and so we are blessed with the opportunity to revisit many ideas, projects and situations that need to be transformed. Hence, there is a lot of internal unrest stirring up your emotions and your thinking could get a bit gibberish through the middle of March.

This translates into national unrest, an unraveling of grudges and hurts and everyone feeling very sensitive about, well, everything. This isn't pretty to watch and it could lead you to witness or become a part of nasty tirades, arguments and shouting matches in the most unlikely places.

You must forgive---forgive yourself and others. It is the only way to release the hurt and pain and not carry them around with you. Replace limiting beliefs with thoughts that include prosperity, ease and joy.

If none of those grab your interest, there is one way to move in this new direction that you can practice on your own---Open Your Heart, forgive and practice doing so constantly.

Aries (Mars) – Think before you speak. A situation that boiled over recently is still causing some distrust and concern for some involved. Although home and family may be safe from harm, you could be carrying a piece of information that triggers the odd response in strangers, neighbors and co-workers. Pay attention to what your thoughts are focused on and release anything that is mean spirited or detrimental. 5 of Swords

Taurus (Venus) – Overlaying illusion on top of a spiritual quest has reached its limits. Now you must step forward with your own ideas to fulfill the dream you desire. Drop any ideas that require others to behave in a certain manner---it's not to your advantage to attempt to control others. Minor shifting will occur during flight. Knight of Cups reversed

Gemini (Mercury) – Family history is transforming and you have the opportunity to release a long held idea that has ceased to serve anyone. Contemplate what that might be and then formulate some type of statement to repeat to yourself that plants a new, more realistic and loving concept in your mind. The situation is based on a male point of view and the concepts surrounding female behavior. 10 of Cups reversed

Cancer (Moon) – When shifting rapidly between emotion and practicality, one may get hung-up on right and wrong. The decision you are faced with is part of an emotional response to an already established line of power. To make the final decision--choose one answer at a time and follow in your heart to where it might lead. Ace of Wands reversed

Want to know what's going on? Try theseThe Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships , Power, Freedom, and Grace: Living from the Source of Lasting HappinessOR this one A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose .

Leo (Sun) – This week you will witness others making decisions based on their past mistakes or misperceptions. This may be on a national or local level or just within the confines of the office you work in or the group you connect with online. Relax, you will be fine, however, your emotions may rise and need some soothing and your mental patterns will definitely learn some new tricks. King of Wands reversed

Virgo (Mercury) – This week focus on discernment and developing skills that allow you to really grasp a situation and not fall prey to your own misinterpretations. Discernment is a tool that is often overlooked as being of value. In order to discern we must know what our personal pitfalls are. 8 of cups reversed

Libra (Venus) – You have directed your life path into a new and exciting direction. You are rapidly headed toward the shores of success. However, don't lose sight of the need for meditation and moments of contemplation as you move forward. Changing landscapes bring changing emotions and responses. Magician

Scorpio (Pluto) – You are gaining ground this week and along with it personal power. However, all of that could be lost in a blink. To temper such a drastic change, make sure you are being honest with yourself and stop pushing the truth about “you” under the rug. The fact is you have been operating from a familial set of standards that are unrealistic and incorrect. Ace of Coins reversed.

Want to know what's going on? Try theseThe Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships , Power, Freedom, and Grace: Living from the Source of Lasting HappinessOR this one A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose .

Sagittarius (Jupiter) – It's time to loosen up those ideas at your foundation, the ones you operate from every day, and evaluate whether those ideas are connecting you with what you truly want. Use disruption to consider another point of view and to take on a new characteristic that might benefit you. Refresh some aspect of self every month this year to gain the insight you are wishing for. Hanged Man reversed

Capricorn (Saturn) – If you launch into the area you are headed without a second thought, you may find you are not fully equipped to manage. The release of many long-term, difficult situations has created a rush of energy that may fool you into thinking the time is right to move forward. Stop yourself and take a second look. 6 of Cups reversed

Aquarius (Uranus) – Focus on your heart for the moment and examine those situations that you are hanging onto. Forgiveness is essential to resolving disputes. Forgive yourself if you cannot yet forgive them. Forgive and you will be rewarded with an increase in love The Devil reversed

Pisces (Neptune) – It's time to act on the topic you have focused on since last Fall. The worry and concern can be relieved through the understanding of balance and justice. Remember, in the earth realm every cause has an effect--meaning every thought has an effect. Forgiveness and love can overcome all. 8 of Cups reversed

Want to know what's going on? Try theseThe Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships , Power, Freedom, and Grace: Living from the Source of Lasting HappinessOR this one A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose .

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