Aries (Mars) – Arguments about who gets what abound—you win but not because you are forward thinking or even right in your assumptions. The cards show a level of stagnation and focus on an irrelevant topic. Remove the old by assisting others—help the move forward where you can. 2 of Wands
Taurus (Venus) – You are able to help others this week and also give the appearance of being flush with prosperity and abundance. However, you can't make up your own mind about which direction to go and what idea to pursue. It's not for lack of trying, mind you. 6 of Wealth
Gemini (Mercury) – You have the chance to leave behind the struggle you have been dealing with for the last, well, forever. The cards show you bound and determined to succeed and undo the knot you are in—focus your power and choose your thoughts carefully. You think it's about money but it's not. Ace of Wands
Cancer (Moon) – It's time to let go of the group energy for a while, or rather, not be so invested in what they have to say. Your calling is a bit different and must be honored. The recent nosedive had to do with tempering your abilities to make them stronger. 5 of Wands reversed
Leo (Sun) – The balancing act you have perfected will serve you well this week. A series of new ideas begins to take form, pushing you into directions you have been “eyeing” for some time. Put emotion and force behind the concepts and they will take off in the direction you give them. 2 of Wealth
Virgo (Mercury) – You have been experimenting with the inner voice, learning to listen more deeply at all points of the day and night. The satisfaction you are feeling from this interaction has provided a sense of relief and joy. Share that wherever you go. Hierophant
Libra (Venus) – Help is on the way but not from the friends, family and neighbors you are use to dealing with. None of what you have been dealing with has to do with a belief in personal poverty—far from it—you view yourself as prosperous and happy. Which way to turn will be revealed and soon. 6 of Wealth
Scorpio (Pluto) – You sit in a very satisfied state as the week begins. The only way to maintain that feeling is to give from the heart in everything you do and say. Your path cannot be changed at this point, you must complete the walk to the finish line. 9 of Cups
Sagittarius (Jupiter) – Your ability to discern what is best for you and family further informs the best direction to take. Justice is at the helm, righting all wrongs and removing the debris that no longer needs to follow your every move—the load gets lighter and more joyful if you know what you want. Lovers
Capricorn (Saturn) – Step up to the plate and give it your best swing—any swing will work. Recheck goals and desires and keep focusing on what your world should look like. Stop demanding that others cooperate, just put some emotion behind the foundation of the thought and voila! 2 of Wands
Aquarius (Uranus) – Another test this week—this one has nothing to do with physical objects like land, cars, clothing, watches or food. This one has to do with recognizing the deep voice within—the one connected to your true self—even if it looks like it is tied to physical objects. Temperance
Pisces (Neptune) – You may be giving up one of your greatest gifts to the world just because someone close to you does not approve. A newly acquired understanding of life is bubbling to the surface so be ready to “feel” and direct the energy as it comes forth—don't worry about the “correct” words. Ace of Swords reversed
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