Balance is the Key to Survival – Free Weekly Horoscopes March 11 – 17, 2013

Are you justifying your existence? Are you hanging on to outdated, inappropriate ways of thinking about your life and you?

The most difficult aspect of the energy floating around these days is that we continually attempt to evaluate it with old patterns, outdated belief systems and ultimately with ideas that no longer fit the situation.

It's time to release the old and usher in the new. The new is a whole different ballgame. It's constantly changing, altering its patterns and creating exciting and illuminating pathways for us to interact with. Nothing remains the same for very long in this new world.

To survive this shift in energy, to interact with this new energy, to grow and enjoy this experience we must know who we are, we must learn to balance our being.

If none of those grab your interest, there is one way to move in this new direction that you can practice on your own---Open Your Heart, forgive and practice doing so constantly.

Aries (Mars) – Could it be that you are focused on something that is blocking what you truly want? The cards show you hanging on when there is no reason to and blinding yourself to the truth. What you are hanging on to is in the past, maybe even from another lifetime. Try some hypnosis or past life regression to get a handle on the issue. 10 of Coins reversed

Taurus (Venus) – A decision is imminent and the result, no matter what you may choose, will shift you into an even better world. You must take the bull by the horns (hehehe) and adapt to a more adult pattern of living---leave behind the childhood pain. When you hang on to pain too long it becomes part of a thought pattern that serves no one. Transform now. 2 of Wands

Gemini (Mercury) – Gaining enlightenment can be a rough but important experience. Right now, someone thinks they have won the game and figured out how to gain on everyone. You will witness this week someone else, and consequently yourself, struggle with maintaining a belief system that no longer works for them. Learn by observing and you can shift your own thoughts about power and how to direct it better. 5 of Swords

Cancer (Moon) – Stay put and you will reap the benefits of your labor. Success is a tentative thing and the movement of life you have established is rolling along just fine whether you put the label of success on it or not. A creative project will challenge you to further transform your thinking. The decision you face is an opportunity to view your life in balance. 6 of Swords reversed

Want to know what's going on?Try this The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships , this is a good one too, Power, Freedom, and Grace: Living from the Source of Lasting HappinessOR this one A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose.

Leo (Sun) – There is a thought pattern in place that you are holding onto that is causing money to get blocked in your experience. Money is simply an object of exchange and you have the power to choose how to interact with it. Provide value and others will be willing to exchange your skills and ideas for money. Ace of Coins reversed

Virgo (Mercury) – Things are popping left and right (that's a good thing) and you may not even notice because you are so busy meditating on what went wrong. However, all this internal and external movement may be manifesting as a new point of view about work and life. Allow this new view to show you where to head next and don't take action on a project unless you are motivated to do so. Knight of Swords reversed

Libra (Venus) – A new cycle is beginning regarding prosperity and you are in the imagination stage of the cycle. However, you are still struggling with certain aspects of the old belief system you are leaving behind. Stop, you don't need to bother because that belief system is over and done with. Deep breath and refocus yourself every time you realize you are running thoughts that are counter to your new understanding or goal. Ace of Coins

Scorpio (Pluto) – The unstable period you are in is due to your inability to discern what is truly best for you. To get focused, choose a single goal to work on---just one, not two. If money is the culprit, focus on improving skills to get better pay. If it's a relationship, improve your listening and communication skills or try therapy to assess the truth. 7 of Coins

Want to know what's going on?Try this The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships , this is a good one too, Power, Freedom, and Grace: Living from the Source of Lasting HappinessOR this one A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose.

Sagittarius (Jupiter) – It may seem that you lost what was important once you let go of the beliefs and accusations you were hanging on to, but that would be an illusion. A new bridge is in front of you to lead you into the best place you could possibly be in this moment. Ask to see that bridge and keep asking—it will appear for you. High Priestess reversed

Capricorn (Saturn) – You may discover this week that a male figure in your life is not towing the line the way you expect him to. In fact, he may have skirted issues long enough to cause a financial problem. There is a solution and you can find it if you will spend time meditating on the topic. Try calling on the concept of equilibrium to solve the issue—just ask for balance. King of Wands reversed

Aquarius (Uranus) – On the surface it appears you have everything under control. However, you are still pushing against the order of your existence, and pushing blindly. The game is about finding the right balance. Try focusing on improving one skill above all others and see where that gets you. 9 of Coins

Pisces (Neptune) – A new perception about power and your place in the world is pushing up into your thoughts. This heralds changes coming this Spring that may seem so “not you” that they scare you a bit and make you think you have lost everything that is you. Don't hang your hat on that idea. Instead, see it all as an opportunity to grow beyond what you are right now and drop the scaredy cat act. 9 of Swords reversed

Want to know what's going on?Try this The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships , this is a good one too, Power, Freedom, and Grace: Living from the Source of Lasting HappinessOR this one A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose.

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