How To Survive Rejection - Weekly Tarot Horoscopes

June 11 - June 17

What could possibly be worse in a relationship than rejection? But rejection can tell us tons about ourselves and how we think. It can also help us see what changes we need to make in order to draw a more suitable person to lives.

Try these 3 ways to take care of yourself when rejection enters the picture.

Be mindful – Initially our minds swirl with thoughts when we realize we’ve been rejected. Often these thoughts can bubble up as uncontrollable crying jags, sadness, anger or revenge. Being mindful means being aware that our thoughts are disintegrating and taking control. Being mindful means being aware that we can replace those thoughts with healthier ones. The Fool card is a great visual meditation when we are confused or down and not for the obvious reasons. The Fool can trigger joy and a reconnection with spirit.

Recognize the mirror – If you follow the idea that those we draw to us are merely reflections of ourselves, explore the idea that this person is mirroring something you believe about yourself. OR you may reflect something they are struggling with for themselves. Maybe it is time to step away so that you can know yourself better and breakthrough the illusion. The Devil card and the 7 of cups speak of illusion and the bondage we create to others by hanging on. View these as reversed and you are seeing the release from illusion and bondage.

Know what matters – The truth is that what you choose to do with the experience is what matters the most. If you are going to hang on to it and use it like a weapon against yourself and others (revenge) then you choose to trip yourself and stagnate on your own path. However, if you choose to allow it to blow right through you, taking the information and using it to grow from and give you the energy to move forward (transformation) your path becomes better informed and lighter to tread. The Sun card and the Judgment card speak of regeneration and resurrection. Both focus on transformation. Use them to assist you in assimilating and renewing.

There is a rolling movement to life and growth. Our first response is to dig our heels in, this is a form of protection and a natural response. Don’t stay in the stubborn phase too long or you will miss the opportunities.

A special recognition - I spent a wonderful day with the GLBT community on Saturday reading for them and celebrating life – it was Pride week here in Albuquerque. Thanks to everyone involved and especially Teresa Ewers and Pride & Equality Magazine for sharing their booth with me! A special shout out to OPM in Las Vegas – what a great conversation Levi.

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